Monday, October 4, 2010

The Job/receiver

I was very nervous about this Job, I had read the rules very well, one of the rules was that I was allowed to lie, but in the years I have lived I have learned that I was not allowed to lie so that was really new to me.

I went to have breakfast and afterwards I went to my first  day, of my job as a receiver. I was riding from school with Fiona to my first job. I went into the building called the Annex it was very small place only had one desk with a woman sitting behind it. Than she told me to go into the room on her right, before I felt really uncomfortable and than the woman talked to me and I felt less anxious. I entered the room, and saw an old man with a long beard. It was very silent for a while and than the man spoke, he told me,'' at the beginning today, this moment  at least to me you are the receiver. Than man started explaining about his life so now I know more about him. He than asked me to lie down, he  his hands on my back and I closed my eyes I could see snow and a hill, and me being at the top of that hill and going down that hill, it was the best time I had ever had.  But the Giver said that it was not only good memories but there are also painful memories. After those memories I had so many questions,that I had to ask him. Like if I would see all those colors, and he said that I will see them eventually. Before I was allowed to leave he told me  that my sessions are totally private and I am not allowed to discuss it with anyone.

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